
The ItaliAID programme consists in all the planning for actions cultural activities, either voluntary or not, that Steadfast organises and carries out in Italy. Areas of intervention for this programme consists in: Training, Communication, Social, Assistance and Advocacy. To date, more than 80 conferences a year, 45 training courses, communication campaigns and various projects in support of disabilities  have been held. Within this programme, the following projects are active:

"Vietato Violare" (i.e. Forbidden to violate)
"Steadfast Education"
"Steadfast Around"
"Ti porto Oltre" (i.e. I'll take you over)
"Me too with You"

"Vietato Violare" project: it is part of the projects supported by the Ministry of Equal Opportunities in the context of actions aimed at preventing and counteracting gender-based violence (Provision of the Department for Equal Opportunities of the Council of Ministers published on 18 July 2017). The proposed activities are aimed at raising awareness and organising intervention campaign on the theme of gender violence and includes cultural, artistic, academic and communicative activities. The project aims to analyse the phenomenon from a multidisciplinary perspectives with the contribution of the scientific community. "Vietato Violare" significantly contributes on the perception of this phenomenon and intends to promote the culture of respect by identifying situations of fragility. It also provides, in a logic of Empowerment, the direct involvement of women victims of violence in various contexts, called to redeem their personal history by activating resilience mechanisms. The project aims to increase the awareness of young people towards the phenomenon. It is foreseen the delineation of support strategies destined to intervene on multiform experiences of deviance.
“Steadfast Education” project: since 2014, in schools, educational institutions and universities throughout the Italian national territory, Steadfast realises training days on the exploitation and defense of human rights. It does so by focussing in several areas: protection of the female figure, third age, childhood, disability and acceptance of diversity. The intent is to train and educate students to cooperation and aid and defense of the most vulnerable. After a first training step, students do volunteering at facilities related to the various project sectors (reception centres, nursing homes, hospices, orphan shelters, institutions for the disability and others).
“Steadfast Around” project: it promotes the culture of cooperation through conferences throughout Italy. Cooperation is intended from all its points of view, from medicine to engineering; from solidarity to solidarity development; from the defense of human rights to interreligious and cultural dialogue.
"Ti porto Oltre" project: the design takes shape from the great network work carried out tirelessly over the years. It was born to respond to our desire to combine all playful and therapeutic activities for special children. Yes Special Children! Children and Families who struggle every day with multiple pathologies such as autism, trisomy 21, relationship disorders, genetic syndromes, motor disorders, hyperactivity, phobias, general disabilities. Our goal is to offer them a paths that promote and facilitate autonomy, self-esteem and social inclusion, enhancing different abilities and consolidating motor and intellectual skills. We do it with a spirit of service to families, combining professionalism, desire to do, effectiveness, listening and creativity. The "Ti porto Oltre" Project aims to try to create new tools with the intention of intervening in those situations in which social desease is more evident. "Ti porto Oltre" also means going beyond disability, creating increasingly favorable conditions to ensure that the disability is overcome. Today we know it is the diversity of functioning that constitutes the diversity seen as a disability. This is why creating ever new and suitable tools to respond to people's needs can help to see disability as a different functioning and therefore in a positive way and no longer as a "problem".
"Me too with You" project: it intends to work for the implementation of the children's rights of unaccompanied immigrant minors, in particular the right to education and socialization in school and after-school context. The project aims to improve access to extracurricular recreational and playful activities according to an educational and inclusive value for unaccompanied immigrant minors, by integrating and enriching the schooling project. In particular, we intend to support the life project of foreign minors at risk of exclusion, as this project represents a necessary condition to develop the child's abilities and potential, helping him to stimulate autonomy, sense of responsibility and allow him to become an integrated and active member of society.

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