Unfortunately, trafficking affects all levels and too often the victims are children. In South America, intense investigations have been carried out to dismantle a criminal mob dedicated to the trafficking of babies to sell in Europe.
After several months of investigation, the Office of the Attorney General of the Nation and Migration of Colombia with the support of the Technical Investigation Corps (TIC) and the National Army through “Operation Natus”, arrested six people and rescue a child who was handed over to the Colombian Institute of Family Assistance (ICBF).
The Colombian newspaper “El Heraldo” wrote that the hypothesis emerged after investigative work that led to the discovery of a real network of trafficking in newborns, which were sold for over 30,000 euros each.
One of the networks, in Europe, sells minors to anyone who pays more. Among the buyers, some mafias are those involved with satanic sects. Likewise, they were able to determine that other minors were sold for adoption by same-sex couples.

Several times with Steadfast we have highlighted this scourge that goes from the market for albinos, sold in pieces for rituals, to the adoption market. It is always the smallest and most defenseless who are victims of these ravenous wolves.

The modus operandi of the South American mob was based on the approach of pregnant women in a state of vulnerability. The organization, according to the authorities, had its range of action in Cúcuta, in the north of the Santander department and near the border with Venezuela, and was made up of at least six members and was led by three of them, a Venezuelan woman , one Ecuadorian and one Colombian.
Several times with Steadfast we have pitted the numbers of trafficking in the world: over 45 million people are victims of human trafficking, subjected to sexual exploitation, slave labor or other types of trafficking. Of the 45,839,600 million victims a year, more than 13 million are children, of which 23% are girls and 7% are children.

Unfortunately, all this is not unique, similar events occur every day in different parts of the world.